The Columbine Guide: added photos, enlarged autopsy reports
I added more photos of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold to the photos page of my Columbine Guide. I also made the scans much larger on the Colu

TBT: My toddler pics
I sure was a happy little toddler. I'm gushing in most of the pix, and my mom confirms I really was. For what it's worth, that's my sense...

I signed expanded Columbine copies at 3 NYC bookstores—order info
Right before the big snowstorm last Thursday, it was a gorgeous spring-like day in NYC, so I hopped on a citibike and rode to three...

My amaryllis is blooming!
The second-coolest thing about growing an amaryllis, is that it takes all year. For a guy not known for patience, it's pretty damn cool...

Sue Klebold's book out in paperback: A Mother's Reckoning
I vividly recall the hardcover book's release last February. I watched her 20/20 Interview with Diane Sawyer intently, and stayed up unt

Eric's 'Hitmen For Hire' assignment added to Columbine Guide
Today I uploaded Eric Harris' kind of shocking 'Hitmen For Hire' school assignment to The Columbine Guide. It's dated four months before...

Added Dylan Klebold's 'Senior Predictions' to The Columbine Guide
I totally overhauled my Columbine Guide site the past few weeks. It's got a new look, new org, and I fixed 17 years' worth of broken...

Sue Klebold's new TED Talk
Sue Klebold just posted a TED talk.* I haven't watched it yet. Bracing. (Update on that below.) I posted on FB, and already getting great...

Eric Harris drawings & Nazi essay added to Columbine Guide
I just loaded up The Columbine Guide with Eric's sketches, and his school essay on "Nazi Culture"--which was very revealing in...
Winter composting
I made good book progress today, so I took a 2-hour composting break. Just home, very tired. It's supposed to be last warm day for...