Chinese translation of COLUMBINE coming
Exciting news. A Chinese publisher just bought Columbine. When the book came out, I was kind of amazed by the reception in the U.S.,...

Russian and Portuguese translations of 'Columbine' just announced
This is exciting news for me. I get emails from readers all the time asking if the book is available in their native language, and sadly,...

I signed 'Columbine' copies around Chicago
I'm visiting my family for Christmas, and signed several copies of Columbine at local bookstores around the Chicago suburbs the past few...

New Korean translation of 'Columbine'
What an exciting day. My Korean translation of Columbine just arrived. It looks beautiful. I love the tasteful layout inside and the...

Korean media on new 'Columbine' translation
A Korean translation of Columbine was released this fall, and apparently it's drawing lots of positive coverage in Korea. (I have to take...

New Korean COLUMBINE translation
Columbine has just been translated into Korean. It's on sale in South Korea now. (See below for international ordering.) My copies...