9 books to help us understand mass shootings
A reader just posted this great LA Times piece published right after the Las Vegas tragedy: 9 books to help us understand mass shootings....

Times of London examines America's mass murders
Josh Glancy did a great job in the Times of London examining why America keeps facing these mass murders. He quoted me extensively, and...

Poynter Q&A on Las Vegas & Columbine
The Poynter Institute is the leading journalistic think tank. After the Las Vegas shooting, a Poynter professor asked me to do an...

Nick Bilton's Vanity Fair podcast: 'The Psychology Behind Mass Shootings'
Fort Hood, Aurora, Orlando, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, and now Las Vegas: after yet another record-breaking shooting in the United States, a

I discuss Las Vegas & Columbine on Intercepted podcast: 'Guns Before Country'
Jeremy Scahill interviewed me for this week’s “Intercepted” podcast at The Intercept titled GUNS BEFORE COUNTRY. I lay out the 3 main...

Stop score-keeping mass murderers!
I was so glad to hear Criminology professor James Alan Fox on CNN beseeching the networks to stop score-keeping spectacle murderers....

64y.o. gunman very rare—Las Vegas shooting
The Las Vegas shooter (I won't say his name) was 64, which is an outlier. Last time I updated in 2015, only 2 of the 70 shooters were...