Chinese translation of COLUMBINE coming
Exciting news. A Chinese publisher just bought Columbine. When the book came out, I was kind of amazed by the reception in the U.S.,...

Previewing 'Parkland' on MSNBC
I got to talk about the amazing year the March For Our Lives kids had, their impact on the culture, and preview "Parkland: Birth of a...

Last day! (On the 'Parkland' book)
I got the near-final page proofs this week for Parkland: Birth of a Movement. Final changes due tomorrow. I'm going over the most tiny...

Book jacket photo for Parkland
The scariest part of writing a book: the author photo! haha. So I went to a real pro this time. I had new headshots done by Vanity Fair...

Vanity Fair preview of my Parkland book
I worked for months on the big Vanity Fair print piece on the Parkland kids, but when it finally hit newsstands this fall, I was so...

My Instagram Topnine--so much Parkland
These are always interesting for unexpected reasons. Last December, I would not have believed that 7 of my TopNine on Instagram would be...

Another PARKLAND deadline, DONE!
This was the biggest round of Parkland rewrites. Whew! So glad to have that done. I sadly stressed Harper's production people by the...

Vote for Columbine: finalist for Goodreads 'Best of the Best' of past 10 years
OK, that was a long title. :) Goodreads is doing its annual Goodreads Choice Awards, and for the 10th anniversary, they have a "Best of...

Writing inspiration for non-poets: Mary Oliver's 'A Poetry Handbook'
I came out to Sag Harbor (generous friends!) to work on edits of my book Parkland: Birth of a Movement, and for inspiration, I brought...

Signed 12 COLUMBINE copies at B&N
I signed a dozen copies of Columbine at B&N Union Square today. They ship worldwide. Ordering info here. I have been working round the...