Previewing 'Parkland' on MSNBC
I got to talk about the amazing year the March For Our Lives kids had, their impact on the culture, and preview "Parkland: Birth of a...
Announcement coming
Hmmmmm. For once I'm at a loss of what to say here. Just to keep your eyes open, because I've got a big announcement coming. I'm not sure...
Parkland and me on CBS Sunday Morning
CBS Sunday Morning did a really nice segment on the Parkland #NeverAgain students Sunday, and were nice enough to include me. It was...
I'm on CNN's The Nineties tonight, discussing Columbine
Each episode tackles a major theme from the 90s, and the title of this one is "Terrorism hits home." (Yes they worked Columbine in
Prepping my PC for 'Victoria' on PBS Masterpiece
Sitting down for an episode of Victoria means opening up a bunch of browser windows. This shit is complicated! I could not decode this...
'When a shooting strikes': added to Columbine Tools
I kept it simple, with the basics:
1. What to do if you ever face a gunman, and what to teach family and friends. The Run, Hide, Fight conc
CNN's The 90s: filming Columbine segment
I taped my segment in Chelsea (NYC) today. It's a 7-part documentary series, and Columbine will be part of the hour on terrorism. (Yikes