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Come to West Point's gay-straight alliance gala

This will be my third straight year going to the event, and it's becoming one of the highlights of my year. I wrote this Vanity Fair piece about my first surprising time.

Spectrum West Point gay gala 2015 Vanity Fair Knights Out

It's open to the public, and I encourage you to consider coming. If you've never seen West Point, that's a treat in itself, and you can go on the guided tour in the afternoon.

Tickets are $70, which fund the wonderful gay-straight alliance, but there's a $20 early-bird discount that ends tomorrow, Jan 31. The event is April 1, at West Point, an hour drive north of NYC.

It's only the 6th year of the event, and they keep improving and expanding it. Last year, one of the speakers was the first openly-gay Secretary of the Army, Eric Fanning. He is a really interesting guy. This is him with me and Allyson Robinson, a 1994 graduate and transgender activist, who won the Courage Award in 2015:

Spectrum West Point gay gala 2016 Secretary of the Army Eric Fanning, Allyson Robinson, Dave Cullen, Knights Out

It's just about 120 people, with a cocktail reception before and more drinking after, so there is plenty of opportunity to chat with the speakers and awardees.

This was in the bar afterward last year, hanging out with Sara Emsley, one of the really impressive cadets I featured in the Vanity Fair piece:

Spectrum West Point gay gala 2016 Sar Emsley, Dave Cullen, Knights Out

And here are more pictures I took last few years. (More at the page for my gay soldiers book).

Spectrum West Point gay gala 2016 cadets, Knights Out

Spectrum West Point gay gala 2016 cannon, Knights Out

Spectrum West Point gay gala 2016 cadets, Hudson, Knights Out

Spectrum West Point gay gala 2016 cannons, Knights Out

Spectrum West Point gay gala 2016 Washington Hall, Knights Out

Spectrum West Point gay gala 2016 tower Dave Cullen, Knights Out

April Update: I had to cancel attending at the last minute, so no new pictures, but I plan to be back next year.

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