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Prepping my PC for 'Victoria' on PBS Masterpiece

Sitting down for an episode of Victoria means opening up a bunch of browser windows. This shit is complicated! I could not decode this show without google and wikipedia.

Here's a smattering of what I've opened:

Biggest surprise: Just how tiny and insignificant Coburg was! Look at that scale: it's like 30km wide. She and Albert were grandchildren of the "Duke" of small county without a population center. They came a long way.

I was loving the first few episodes, but last night's really pissed me off. Either the series or wikipedia invented a complete fiction of Victoria's romance with Albert. (No conspiracy theorists, not wiki.) Why do people who film history think it's OK to lie about it? And why? They think this was a better story? It was also ineptly told. She hates him, she hates him, she hates him, she dances one waltz with him and she's smitten, and the next day she proposes to him. Oh please. What sort of romance novel is this? At least romance novels are believable.

Otherwise, the series has been wonderful. (As far as I know! Now I don't trust anything I "learn" from it, though. That's sad.)

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