I signed expanded Columbine copies at 3 NYC bookstores—order info

Right before the big snowstorm last Thursday, it was a gorgeous spring-like day in NYC, so I hopped on a citibike and rode to three favorite stores to sign Columbine copies:
The Strand
McNally Jackson
Barnes & Noble Union Square
All three ship worldwide, and I try to keep a copies on hand at some or all of them for you to order. (I still get regular requests, so I try to keep some available.)
I keep the Buy section at the bottom of my Columbine page updated with their contact info, and when I last signed. Check there if you're interested.
All the copies were the new expanded edition, except one copy at The Strand, which is a hardcover. (Great if you're into hardcovers, but know that it lacks the 50 pages of material we've added since then.)
That's my bike helmet with the Strand copies in the first pic.

Also cool to see B&N still has a generous stack of Columbine on their Non-Fiction Favorites table on the ground floor, near the entrance. Thank you!