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Meeting Nick Bilton at his 'American Kingpin' book launch

How great meeting Nick Bilton at his Vanity Fair book launch party Tuesday night. (I sheepishly approached, and when I said my name for him to sign, he said, "You're Dave Cullen?!" Turns out he is a big fan of Columbine. That made my day, and gives me hope that I'm on the right track.)

I got home, took a peek at chapter 1 before going to bed, and couldn't stop reading.

Nick Bilton American Kingpin Dave Cullen book launch

Nick turned out to be a really nice guy, too. And so was his editor, Niki Papadopoulos. I can see them as a great fit.

American Kingpin is in stores now. Grab a copy. Or more info at Nick's site.


I've been whipping through this. Quite the page-turner.

Later update:

I did Nick's podcast, after the awful Las Vegas shooting.

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