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Teaching writing in Vermont this July

I can't wait. I'll be teaching at a week-long Writing Intensive program in Vermont this July.

It's open to all, but offers free tuition for all veterans, military spouses, gold star children, and active, reserve or guard duty!

They asked me to teach and speak based on Columbine, obviously, but also because of my experience as an Infantry grunt, and years spent writing my next book on two gay soldiers.

Marlboro College is a unique institution, set up by veterans. (See the text from their site in the pic.)

Words After War Marlboro College summer writing intensive

Veterans especially are encouraged to write through their experiences, but there are many non-vets, and you may gain unexpected insights into how to access and write about your own feelings from them.

I have a feeling this will be a cathartic experience for me. But what a serene place to experience it: summer in Vermont, in the foothills of the Green Mountains. I relax just saying that. Soooooo different from NYC! haha.

They will have many visiting writers, each of us for one intensive day leading workshops and speaking. This intensive is sponsored jointly with the amazing org called Words After War. I know the man who started it, and have great respect for him. Check them out, too.

I hope to see some of you aspiring writers there. Full info here.

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