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Readers Digest picks Columbine atop True Crime Top 10 list

This really made me happy. Reader's Digest just compiled a list of"10 True Crime Books That Are So Chilling, You Shouldn’t Read Them at Night" and Columbine is on it — and first on the list. (Right ahead of In Cold Blood!)

It's a great list, including Devil in the White City (which I loved, and which helped me structure Columbine), Helter Skelter, The Executioner's Song (which I didn't care for, but others did), and my friend's book The Good Nurse. It makes me tingly to be included in that company.

Columbine Reader's Digest True Crime Top 10 List

Update: I started a reddit discussion about it. Also, Publishers Weekly put out a similar list, which Columbine also hit.

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