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Columbine Teacher's Guide back online

Sadly, the Columbine Teacher's Guide was hacked last year. (Could have been random, but turns out that when you write a book like Columbine, you get a lot of trolls. Ugh.

(BTW, if you are a teacher or know one, please spread the word about the guide. Links help! It's free, and I've gotten great feedback from teacher's. I wanted to make it easier for you to use the book.)

Columbine Teacher's Guide critical thinking book

I had no idea even how to handle that, so I just took the teacher's guide down for awhile. (My computer with all the files also crashed, and it also had the Dreamweaver program I used to create it. That cost several hundred dollars, and the license expired years ago.)

I finally called GoDaddy, and the tech guy was incredibly helpful, and cleaned it all up for me right over the phone. (He decided it was a fairly simple site with only about 50 files, so he would just go through them with me. Nice!)

That was over a month ago, and no recurrences. (Of course I changed the security.) Then I resubmitted to Google (which had originally flagged it), and they gave it a clean bill of health too, so it's all good.

Finally, the GoDaddy guy said that Dreamweaver's company now has a monthly licence-fee plan, so I could just rent the software for a month, essentially, which I did, and just repaired the screwed up files. Took a bit of doing, several tries and more tech support, but I got it all back up around 2 a.m. last night. Whew!

Popular modules from the Columbine Teacher's Guide:

Thanks again to all the teachers who helped me create and refine the guide several years ago. And keep linking!

(FYI, your students may also make use of The Columbine Guide. And my intro Columbine video is a proven way to get kids engaged.)

June Update: I gave it a bit of a face-lift.

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