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"Betrayal": Transgender Troops React to Trump's Ban

Sergeant Logan Ireland, Allyson Robinson, SPARTA transgender military Vanity Fair

Writing "Betrayal": Transgender Troops React to Trump's Ban for Vanity Fair was the most satisfying thing I've done in quite awhile. It was a thrill and an honor to get to know these patriots, and to share their stories.

Seventeen years into working on this gay soldiers book (half of that writing Columbine as my primary), I thought I knew this world, and understood their challenges. I didn't. It was eye-opening.

Much is similar to the gay struggle, but so many of the transgender challenges are unique, and even more complex than I imagined. Not to mention how outlandish it is to toss out the discredited "unit cohesion" arguments from Don't Ask, Don't Tell again.

This is also really inspiring me to get this gay soldiers book done!

BTW, here was the night I met Allyson Robinson, with Eric Fanning at the West Point Spectrum gala in 2015. Eric was about to become the first out gay Secretary of the Army (or any branch), and they were both receiving awards. I believe Allyson, herself a West Point Academy grad, was given the Courage Award. (And I wore a tie. haha. (But I might have been shoeless at that moment.)

Allyson Robinson Eric Fanning Dave Cullen West Point Spectrum gala transgender Sparta

Update, Aug 23: Bad news. The WSJ is reporting that Trump is going ahead with the ban in some form. Unbelievable.

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