New Korean COLUMBINE translation

Columbine has just been translated into Korean. It's on sale in South Korea now. (See below for international ordering.)
My copies haven't even arrived yet, but I'm looking forward to my Korean friends and sister-in-law giving it a read and sharing their thoughts.
It's been a long time coming and nice to see it finally here. And all the new material from the expanded U.S. editions is included. That made me happy.
I've got a great Korean publisher, Munhakdongne Publishing Group, and I've been getting great feedback on the cover. (And I'm so glad to see they pictured no killers there.)
At least two big Korean online booksellers provide international delivery, and you can order it from them: YES24 or Kyobo. Those are direct links for the translation, or more on all Columbine translations.
I would love to hear feedback from any Koreans out there after you have read it.
Update: See the December post on my copies arriving, along with my Q&A in Mysteria magazine. Video coming.