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Will the NeverAgain kids change the gun debate?

Things got crazy when Vanity Fair assigned me to do a series of pieces for them and was on a plane to Parkland, Florida to meet the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School kids the next morning.

I never got a chance to post this piece I wrote in the first two days after the Valentine's Day tragedy for Politico Magazine, but I hope you find it worth a look: Will the Parkland kids change the gun debate?

Parkland Douglas students change gun debate #NeverAgain NeverAgain --  MFOL Politico Jaclyn Corin Tallahassee buses

My first piece for Vanity Fair should be up soon. I have this page with links all my stories on Douglas High, Columbine and school shootings.

I have also added several of my TV appearances discussing Douglas/Parkland.

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