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Denver Parkland/RoadToChange tour--signed 'Columbine' copies

I just had a great trip to Aurora, Denver and Littleton, following the amazing Parkland kids, for still more material for my upcoming Vanity Fair piece. (And who knows what next.)

They met with survivors from Columbine, Aurora, Newtown and many others.

Emma Gonzalez MFOL RoadToChange Kiki Leyba Columbine survivor Parkland

I also went out to Boulder for 3 days to visit some great friends and crank out some copy. It was sooooo nice, and way too short.

Boulder Creek Colorado bridge rapids writing

Boulder deer Flatirons foothills Rocky Mountains Rockies fawns

It was an 8-day trip, but rushing around like mad, so I didn't find time to sign books as much as I wanted. (Sorry Tattered Cover and Boulder Bookstore.) I did make it to one Barnes & Noble, and signed five copies: the Glendale store on Colorado Blvd. Order info for autographed Columbine.

And my prior Vanity Fair stories on the Parkland/MFOL kids. Look for a big story in an upcoming print issue.

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