My next book: 'Parkland'

I swore I would never go back. I got to Columbine before most of the SWAT teams went in, and I have followed the survivors for 19 years. That brought two bouts of secondary PTSD, seven years apart, and that was enough. I have covered most of the major spectacle murders since then in some capacity, but mostly from afar, or going in to study them afterward.
I went to Parkland because it’s different. Radically different. In nineteen years watching this epidemic escalate, I’ve never seen anything like the March For Our Lives kids.
I shadowed the March For Our Lives kids more than six months, from that first Sunday I got David Hogg on the phone and flew down to follow them on the Tallahassee trip.
I can't wait to take you behind the scenes of the MFOL movement and show you much more. This will be a short book--sort of a nonfiction novella--which will be published in February 2019. I am writing madly to finish it. (Which is why so few blog posts. I've barely had time to breathe since Valentine's Day.)
Every time I visit with them, I feel energized, and full of hope. I hope I can transmit some of that to the page.
HarperCollins just announced the book this week, and you can pre-order now:
I'm still hard at work on the gays soldiers book (which will turn into a 20-year project!) but this just could not wait. HarperCollins will publish both.