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Another PARKLAND deadline, DONE!

Parkland book rewrites editing Dave Cullen

This was the biggest round of Parkland rewrites. Whew! So glad to have that done.

I sadly stressed Harper's production people by the level of changes, but had to be done. Got to make this book tight.

BTW, it's available for pre-order at all the usual places, in all formats. Links at my site (and full title) here: Parkland: Birth of a Movement.

In the pic, that's a mix of the copy-editor's marks and mostly mine.

I'm about to dive into writing the epilogue. And working on the endnotes. And a few more scenes to rewrite. And TKs. And more tweaks. And two researchers still maniacally fact-checking with me. Whew! (I think I already said that, but still feeling it. Haha.)

So much still to do. Seems endless, and relentless, but it will end Dec 10. That gives the printer and distribution 2 months to get it on store shelves. On sale Feb 12, 2019.

(And can't wait to get back to writing my gay soldiers book soon. :) )

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