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PARKLAND longlisted for ALA Andrew Carnegie Medal

So, good news and bad news, since I've been insanely busy book touring and haven't attended to my blog.

The good news: Parkland: Birth of a Movement, was longlisted last month for a really prestigious award: the American Library Association's Andrew Carnegie Medal for best nonfiction book of 2019.

How cool was that? The year-end awards are just beginning, and gratifying to see Parkland in the mix. Even more cool: I was nominated alongside Toni Morrison!

Unfortunately, they released the short list this week (3 finalists each in fiction and nonfiction), and neither Toni nor I were on it.

They come, they go.

Meanwhile, Parkland was just nominated for the Goodreads Choice Award for Best Nonfiction, and you can vote! Please do.

There are 3 rounds of voting, and the first is open now. (Columbine actually won this award 10 years ago, with the help of readers like you.)

Andrew Carnegie Medals Parkland ALA

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