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Slate names COLUMBINE 1 of 50 Best Nonfiction Books of the quarter century

Slate just set about creating a canon of major nonfiction books, by naming The 50 Best Nonfiction Books of the Last 25 Years. Staggered to see Columbine there, with a lovely write-up.*

It's currently their cover story, and an awesome list. I have read quite a few, and loved nearly all of those, including Lost City of Z, A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again, We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families,** and . . . I better stop listing, or this post will be huge.

Most of the others have been on my should-read or maybe-read list, and just got a huge bump.

(I went right out and ordered Age Of Wonder--not sure what took me so long.)

It's amazing company, and I'm kind of awed to be among them. (I've also met quite a few of these writers the past several years, and been really impressed. It's hard to write a madly interesting book without being at least somewhat interesting. haha.)

I believe this is the first century-level list Columbine has made. I'm kind of giddy. Thanks Slate.

(Update: After posting, I went back and looked for any century-related nonfiction list, and discovered Book Riot did one last year: 50 best from the last 100 years. I was shocked to see Columbine made it as well. How did I miss that? Oh. It went up while I was madly rewriting Parkland last fall.)

* I'm not sure where they got the factoid that I was "on the scene himself within 15 hours of the crime." It was about one hour.

** That last one is also one of my all-time favorite titles.

Slate Columbine 50 Best Nonfiction Books of the Last 25 Years century

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